Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Uh oh

We only had the two color options when I ordered that daybed, the red/orange and the blue/gray... so of course being nuts I picked the red/orange. But now what? I'm color impaired. Well, here, how's this?

look, I'm at work and don't have photoshop so I had to use some really chinsy online editor, hence the crappy white artifacting around the daybed. DEAL.

The room is already that color and I already have that dark gray cabinet in there, stuffed full of crafting junk. So adding that rug? What do you think? I need to put in the fact that there is already a white desk and I intend to replace the room darkening period lighting with a brighter, whiter light fixture. Too dark? Clashing colors?

I'm lame. I like the rug, I want to make it work.


  1. I think the rug will look good! The zig-zag stripe is more of a neutral color so it just adds pattern and interest to more solid colors. I say go for it!

    Michelle (duckling) :)
