Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My finger is back in full force (eh, 80% force)

My finger is missing a fingerprint (and all feeling in the tip) but the nail grew back and I'm ready to go! I finished TWO illustrations... and am ready to work on the two I have had on the back burner for a while. Rob has been very very pushy about getting them done, which is a good thing for me, and I'm always happy when I finish one and find out the couple is happy with the end product!

Here is the one I did for Mrs. Taffy:

Let it be known that I find drawing little chubby birdies really uplifting and amusing.
And now... more drawing.


  1. Wow. I mean, these are unbelievable! I'm so glad your finger is on the mend! Can't wait for you to make it to ours!!

  2. I'm slowly getting there, I'm trying to finish anything I started before going down the list any further!
